Please accept taking part in Mann’s Mission.

If you do, you and many other people because of you, will become stronger, faster, smarter and you will have helped so many people in need.

This Mission Tasking takes very little effort and can make a big difference in your life and in those lives you reach out to.


STEP 1: Adhere to the following 4 practices every day for a minimum of 10 days:

  1. Every Day - do something that makes you STRONGER!

  2. Every Day - do something that makes you FASTER!

  3. Every Day - do something that makes you SMARTER!

  4. And most importantly, Every Day - DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR SOMEBODY!

STEP 2: Task at least 10 people with this Mission Tasking.

  • You can simply copy these instructions and forward it along with a link to this page:

STEP 3: Make at least a $10 dollar donation to the charity of your choice.

STEP 4: Submit a short form (using the button below) upon your completion of Mann’s Mission so that we can post and track your achievement.


Please share your progress, testimonial, thoughts, results, etc., on social media. Make sure to include the following hashtag in your postings: #MannsMission and the following tags: @us_frogmann for Instagram and @DonUSFrogMann for Twitter. Also, the Mann’s Mission logo is available for download by clicking on the button below. Thank you!


How should I train to become a Navy SEAL, a Marine, a Banker, a professional athlete etc.?

 Well, there is a lot of good advice out there but in my opinion, whatever it is that you want to do in life just promise yourself that you will do the following 4 steps each and every day:

  1. Every Day - do something that makes you Stronger!

    • This might include: push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, Crossfit, PT, weight work -outs etc.

    • Or perhaps your chosen profession or activity does not require physical strength. In that case take steps to become a stronger leader, a better follower or stronger in some aspect of your life where you feel you have identified some weakness.

    •  Always keep in mind that there are many people out there who want your place and there are only so many people who will be selected. Do all you can to be the strongest person you can be.

  2. Every Day - do something that makes you Faster!

    • For example; swim sprints or track work-outs. Don’t settle with doing the same 8-minute mile pace week after week. Every week, strive to do your runs or walks faster.

    •  Perhaps your chosen profession or activity does not require “speed”, then consider “efficiency”. In the business world you may consider taking concrete steps, everyday, to become more efficient with your day to day taskings.

  3. Every Day - do something that makes you Smarter!

    • Study your subject. Be the subject matter expert by reading, watching documentaries, talking with those who know your subject.

    • For instance, if you want to be a SEAL study US history, study the wars and conflicts in which the US has been involved, learn about low-intensity conflicts, and learn all you can about terrorism, their motives, methods, training etc. Learn what SEALs have done since their inception back in 1962, learn to dive, learn to shoot, learn to jump and learn how to do land navigation.

    • If your objective is to a medical professional, each and everyday commit to learning something over and above your expected studies.

  4. And most importantly, Every Day - do something good for somebody!

    • Help somebody in time of need. Being a member on any Team, a SEAL Team, in sports, in business, in medical, in academia etc. requires teamwork and requires good people.  Be the best person and the best team-player you can be.  If you do something good for somebody each and every day, you are the type of person anyone will want on their team.

 It is my Mission objective to help others to become stronger, faster, smarter and most importantly to help people in need! 

Good Luck!

-Don Mann

SEALKIDS, an organization that is very close to Don's heart, supports the children of Naval Special Warfare—everyday kids living in extraordinary circumstances. This encompassing approach of academic testing, tutoring, therapy, advocacy, and enrichment fosters the success and well-being of the child, critically reducing family stresses and ultimately keeping today’s Navy SEAL in the fight.

Don as a father and former SEAL TEAM SIX Member can attest that every dollar counts! Your donation of any size helps make an immediate and positive impact on the life of a child in the Naval Special Warfare Community. Learn more here.

Project Lifesaver is a 501 (C)(3) community based, public safety, non-profit organization that provides law enforcement, fire/rescue, and caregivers with a program designed to protect, and when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering. The organization was founded in 1999 in Chesapeake, Virginia. The necessity of this program was determined through the correlation between cognitive conditions and the act of wandering. With the dramatic increase of cognitive conditions since the inception of the organization, the program has grown from a localized program to a program recognized internationally as a proven and effective method of “bringing loved ones home.” Don Mann is proud to be an ambassador for Project Lifesaver. Learn more here.