Product Endorsement: Schuyler CBD

As a retired Navy SEAL and lifelong adventure athlete, I've experienced many aches and pains over the past 50-plus years. I don't like taking pharmaceuticals because of their side effects. I am a true believer in treating pain and ailments with alternative treatments, such as CBD.

I am now using Schuyler CBD Pain Lotion and Roll-On Pain Cream, and I am very pleased with the results—there are no side effects! Schuyler CBD is a family-owned business that offers high-quality CBD products that help you achieve better sleep, alleviate pain, relieves anxiety and stress, and physical discomfort.

Schuyler CBD effectively addresses chronic pain and anxiety without the need for prescriptions, using natural methods. These products diminish inflammation within your body, providing relief from pain and enhancing your overall quality of life, enabling you to resume your favorite activities with ease.

I highly recommend any person needing pain relief to try Schuyler CBD products.

Don Mann
Host of Surviving Mann / Navy SEAL (ret)


Project Lifesaver 25th Anniversary Conference – August 26th-29th 2024


Product Endorsement: ALPHAGUN Gun Oil