Happy Veterans Day!

On Veterans Day, as Americans, we pay tribute to our Veterans, past and present, and celebrate their patriotism and heroism, while thanking them for the liberty and freedoms that we all so enjoy.

It is our veterans who make tremendous sacrifices, often making the ultimate sacrifice, to defend our great nation.  Our precious gift of having and enjoying our freedoms and liberty, is so very fragile and so very rare in this world.

Let us all be reminded that freedom is never free, it has a great costs and imposes a real burden.

Our military has and always will be resolved to stand firm against those who set out to destroy our freedoms. We will be forever grateful and indebted to those who defend this great nation.

We must never forget that our way of life is never more than one generation away from extinction and must be forever defended and protected.

With great respect and gratitude to our nation’s veterans,

Don D. Mann

Navy SEAL (ret)


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