Don Mann’s Interview with Podcast Money Millhouse

Reaching beyond boundaries, how to accomplish big goals, and how to be faster, stronger, and smarter every day.

About our interview:

Do you have goals you are reaching for? What will it take to get there?

Bethany and Ellie start the show discussing their guest, Don Mann, who is a retired Navy SEAL and has accomplished a great deal in his life. That leads them to discuss the kind of adventures they have done. They also discuss how they handle scary situations–wether it is bungee jumping or riding the subway in a foreign city somewhere.

Don Mann comes into the Millhouse discussing reaching beyond boundaries. He discusses his story from the very beginning–including how he knew he wanted to become a SEAL as a young man. They also talk about where people start to begin a legacy and if it is something everyone has access to. Don also gives advice about how to use that energy to reach goals–both macro and micro. He suggests looking at the big goal (macro goals), then setting a series of smaller, micro goals that will help you get to the big, macro goal.

He gives advice to those who hope to achieve the goals and reaching beyond boundaries, including having the mindset to reach the goal and staying motivated along the way. He suggests doing something every day of your life to make you faster, stronger, smarter, and most importantly, do something good for somebody.

Bethany and Ellie end the show discussing how these lessons from Don apply to finances. They ask listeners for their latest tips and stories about how they are getting faster, stronger, and smarter in their finances.


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